Wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Wetenschappelijke artikelen
- Ethnic background and differences in health care use
- The attendance of migrant women at the national breastcancer screening
- Incidentie van psychotische stoornissen bij immigranten
- Breast cancer screening participation among Turks
- Lui oog is niet nodig
- Incidence of schizophrenia among Moroccan immigrants
- Ethnic differences in total and HDL cholesterol among Turkish, Moroccan and Dutch ethnic groups living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Effectiveness of an intercultural module added to the treatment guidelines for Moroccan and Turkish patients with depressive and anxiety disorders
- Ethnic differences in risk of acute compulsory admission in Amsterdam, 1996-2005
- Berichtgeving over kindersterfte misleidend
- TNO-Rapport Kraamzorg in Nederland
- RIVM Kinderwens van consanguine ouders
- Campagne op maat over actieve donorregistratie
- Het gebruik van luistertaal in de praktijk